A profound mystery shall be revealed to you today; all the knowledge and all the wisdom of this world is even as this: The children of the world know nothing, even unto this day. Listen therefore to the decree of Neum, for the cries of the Oracle are the decree of YHVH; listen and stand ready, all those that hear these words!” -Neum 1:23-24
Starting in 2023 we will be exploring a book translated from the plates of brass, The Declarations of Neum. Unlike most scriptures, this book is a collection of utterances, prophecies, and revelations given by an unknown prophetess that merely identifies herself as “Neum,” Hebrew for “oracle.” Her words were written by others as she gave them orally, and this appears to be a collection of her divine speeches.
Neum’s utterances are at times aimed at the people of Judah, warning them of what is to come, and at other times to the restoration and to those that will read her words in the last days. Her words are relevant to us today as they warn us of the sins of Judah and Israel, and they instruct us on how to build Zion, and let us know the revelations we need to restore the Sisterhood.
This week we will begin in chapter 1.
Time: 9pm ET, 8pm CT, 7pm MT, 6pm PT, 5pm AK.
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